Verification and Numerical Algorithms
Tuesday 13th November 2012
London Mathematical Society computer-science-day
This one-day meeting is run by the LMS Computer Science Colloquium in
association with the EPSRC Network on Numerical Algorithms and High
Performance Computing. The aim of the colloquium is to provide an
opportunity for dialogue between researchers working in the
Mathematics of Numerical Algorithms and Computer Scientists working in
Formal Verification of numerical programs.
The speakers are
- Jean-Michel Muller (ENS Lyon)
- David Monniaux (CNRS/VERIMAG Grenoble)
- Daniel Kroening (University of Oxford)
- George A. Constantinides (Imperial College London)
Tuesday 13th November 2012
London Mathematical Society
This one-day meeting is run by the LMS Computer Science Colloquium in
association with the EPSRC Network on Numerical Algorithms and High
Performance Computing. The aim of the colloquium is to provide an
opportunity for dialogue between researchers working in the
Mathematics of Numerical Algorithms and Computer Scientists working in
Formal Verification of numerical programs.
The speakers are
- Jean-Michel Muller (ENS Lyon)
- David Monniaux (CNRS/VERIMAG Grenoble)
- Daniel Kroening (University of Oxford)
- George A. Constantinides (Imperial College London)
Past Symposium