線形計算研究会 第28回研究会
場所: 東京大学 本郷キャンパス 工学部6号館 3階セミナー室B(368)
杜 磊 (筑波大学 システム情報系)
Extensions of the Simultaneous Tridiagonalization of Two Symmetric Matrices for Utilizing Level-3 BLAS
Algorithms for simultaneous tridiagonalization of two symmetric matrices have been proposed, however their performance is limited due to Level-2 BLAS operations. To achieve higher performance, we extend the tridiagonalization method for utilizing Level-3 BLAS operations. Numerical results of solving generalized shifted linear systems will be presented.
Algorithms for simultaneous tridiagonalization of two symmetric matrices have been proposed, however their performance is limited due to Level-2 BLAS operations. To achieve higher performance, we extend the tridiagonalization method for utilizing Level-3 BLAS operations. Numerical results of solving generalized shifted linear systems will be presented.
Past Seminar