Talks by Dr. Noferini and Dr. Townsend

平成26年 2月14日(金) 16-18時
東京大学 本郷キャンパス
工学部 14号館 5階 534号室


One Response so far.

  1. Anonymous says:


    Chebyshev多項式を使った根計算と2変数関数の多 項式近似の話で,Oxford Universityで進められているChebfunプロジェクトに関する内容になっています.

    講演者:Vanni Noferini (University of Manchester, UK)
    題目: On the stability of polynomial rootfinding via linearizations in nonmonomial bases
    概要: One way to find the roots of a polynomial is to solve an associated eigenvalue problem. When the polynomial is expressed in the monomial basis (the companion linearization), results on the numerical
    stability (or lack thereof, according to the circumstances) of this procedure have been established. However, in applications it is often the case that the polynomial is known via its coefficients in a
    different polynomial basis, e.g., Chebyshev. In this talk we investigate this scenario and analyze the stability.

    講演者: Alex Townsend (University of Oxford, UK)
    題目: Chebfun2: Gaussian elimination as an iterative algorithm
    概要: Gaussian elimination is the archetypical direct algorithm, but also has a less familiar iterative variant in which a matrix is successively approximated by ones of rank 1, 2, 3.... In this talk we will explain how a continuous analogue of Gaussian limination is a central part to the Chebfun software system for computing with function of two variables, and how it leads to a whole range of efficient algorithms for function evaluation, integration, vector calculus operations, and many others. The two big exceptions are global rootfinding and optimization.

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