Computational Approaches to Dynamical System

日時:2014年11月18日(火)~ 21日(金) 
会場:明治大学 中野キャンパス 高層棟6階 601セミナー室

10:30 -12:00  Toshi OGAWA
 “Introduction to computational dynamical system 1”
13:00 -14:30  Toshi OGAWA
 "Introduction to computational dynamical system 2"
14:40 -16:10  Toshi OGAWA
 ““Introduction to computational dynamical system 3"

10:30 -12:00  Zin ARAI
 “Introduction to Global Computation for Dynamical Systems 1"
13:00 -14:30  Zin ARAI
 “Introduction to Global Computation for Dynamical Systems 2"
14:40 -16:10  Zin ARAI
 "Introduction to Global Computation for Dynamical Systems 3"
16:20 -17:50  Problem session

10:30 -12:00  Kazuyuki YAGASAKI
 "Numerical computation of homoclinic orbits and invariant manifolds by using AUTO 1"
13:00 -14:30  Kazuyuki YAGASAKI
 "Numerical computation of homoclinic orbits and invariant manifolds by using AUTO 2"
14:40 -16:10  Kazuyuki YAGASAKI
 "Numerical computation of homoclinic orbits and invariant manifolds by using AUTO 3"
16:20 -17:50  Problem session

10:30 -12:00  Tomoyuki MIYAJI
 “Introduction to interval arithmetic and its application to ODEs 1”
13:00 -14:30  Tomoyuki MIYAJI
 “Introduction to interval arithmetic and its application to ODEs 2”
14:40 -16:10  Tomoyuki MIYAJI
 “Introduction to interval arithmetic and its application to ODEs 3”
16:20 -17:50  Problem session


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