2nd World Conference on Soft Computing

Baku, Azerbaijan
December 3-5, 2012


2nd World Conference on Soft Computing, Baku 2012 - WConSC'12 -
aims to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners to present
the latest achievements and innovations in the multiple areas of soft computing,
to discuss thought-provoking developments and challenges, to consider
potential future directions one of the objectives of the conference is to encourage
participation by young researchers; to this end student papers will be given special

theories and methods:
Information Theory, Uncertainty, Bayesian and Probabilistic Methods, Evidence and Possibility Theory, Utility Theory, Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic, Approximate Reasoning, Non-classical Logics, Default Reasoning, Belief Revision, Argumentation, Uncertainty in Cognition, Graphical Models, Knowledge Acquisition, Information Fusion and Aggregation, Knowledge Representation, Ontologies, Decision Support, Cognitive Modeling, Game Theory, Multi-Criteria Decision Making, Social Networks and Trust, Granular Computing, Computing with Words, Rough Sets, Evolutionary Computation, Neural Networks, Data Analysis, Hybrid Architectures

applications and tools:
Intelligent and Multi-agent Systems, Information Processing and Retrieval, Intelligent Data Analysis, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Database and Information Systems, Intelligent Search, Internet and Semantic Web, Multi-Media, Control and Robotics, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, Human-centric Interfaces, Medicine and Bioinformatics, Finance, Software Engineering, Industrial Engineering, e-Commerce, Security


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