SIAM Student Paper Prize 2015

Deadline February 15, 2015


Student Documents

  • an extended abstract, in English, of the paper. (The total length of the submitted abstract including bibliography may not exceed five pages.)
  • a short vita (at most 2 pages).
  • the complete paper.
  • proof that the paper has been submitted for publication.

Co-author Letters

  • If a paper is co-authored, each PhD-holding co-author must write a letter attesting to the student's pivotal role and contributions to the results.
  • If the student's advisor is a co-author of the submitted paper, we will need a letter containing the material of a co-author's letter and the material of the advisor's letter (see below). This may all be contained in one letter.

Advisor Letter

  • describes and evaluates the paper's contribution to the literature and the student's contribution to the paper.
  • verifies that the student meets the conditions of eligibility for the award.



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